About Me

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Split personality. Liking the arts, especially opera, and hockey and Los Toros. I know, I know THAT one is non pc currently. But I can't help it saw some in Spain and got hooked, but good. But on the other hand right now opera and hockey are in the forefront!


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Warm at home and thinking..

I have noticed that, at most hockey games, the attendance tends to tilt toward the female fans, although the male species is rather more vocal, not to say raucous.
While the ladies tend to wear skintight 'everythings' with as much skin exposed as still decent, plus displaying a plethora of pierced areas! Now, as to piercings, the male is not too far behind - judging by the adornments of lips, ears, nostrils, and who knows what else elsewhere, we have been able to view at games.
Fortunately (or not,

as the case may be) tattoos are usually hidden under jerseys...;-). Some full body tattoos by Japanese as recorded by National Geographic...enjoy! Or not!

Now that's an idea, no jerseys just body art. Of course it would have to be removable as skaters change teams and affiliations - often. Sweat proof body painting? Washable art (hot water required)?

A want ad:
Wanting body painters for hockey team. Bring portfolio of designs (on paper) for review!

Experienced body painter, versed in all type of emblems, seeking new venue to mature his/her art! Will paint bodies, helmets, gloves, shin pads....etc. Macro or Micro paintings a speciality!

Ah well, a quiet evening and thoughts run riot....get behind me...gotta stop this. NOW!

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