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Split personality. Liking the arts, especially opera, and hockey and Los Toros. I know, I know THAT one is non pc currently. But I can't help it saw some in Spain and got hooked, but good. But on the other hand right now opera and hockey are in the forefront!


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

unrelated thoughts swirling..

Salvatore Dali's take on "The average Buerocrat"
It is NOT known if this example will survive human evolution ;-)

To quote from a recent WSJ article:

"These days, the key driver of evolutionary change isn't who survives long enough to have children, but who has the most children and how soon they start. It's those that procreate early and often who have the most genetic impact on future generations". Which causes some researchers to fear that because "the most educated and affluent people are having the fewest children". And predictions arise that "the human race could diverge into two parts-tall, fit elites and a larger pool of shorter, less educated laborers". Hmm?

What about the impact of better nutrition? What about the diminishing need for physical labor in favor of mental labor? What about the urge to create ever more robots to surplant humans for those mind-numbing conveyor belt type labors?
Wayyy back, the reason to have so many children was simply to supply plenty of hands for farming, tending herds, milking and so on! Now we have tractors, sowers, mowers, balers, threshers, milking machines, directed by ONE human in the 'cockpit'

And back to the Olympics... having fun!

a neat idea (LOL) for the next figure skating dance competition, NOT!


Anonymous said...

Re Pirates of the Caribbean: one of the women figure skaters danced to the music from the film in the short program. She didn't have QUITE the costume you depicted, however.

artandhockey said...

Censored? Maybe?