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Split personality. Liking the arts, especially opera, and hockey and Los Toros. I know, I know THAT one is non pc currently. But I can't help it saw some in Spain and got hooked, but good. But on the other hand right now opera and hockey are in the forefront!


Friday, June 18, 2010


Reading/hearing the controversies about the NEW migration regulations - history surely comes to mind, again. Everything in one form or another has already "been".
Is it all a "much ado about nothing"?
Much earlier many people migrated from the East to the West...from the Steppes to the Mediterranean. Some were Avares, Langobards, Goths, Huns, Tatars, etc. Although some migration could be called invasion..Magyars, for example. Some people (Moors, Berbers) also migrated from the sands of North Africa/Arabia to find new lands to dominate.

Then they migrated from the East and South of Europe to America and made America what is it today.. a polyglot country of adventurers.

Most came before strict rules and quotas were established, but came legally and strove to integrate themselves as soon as possible, learning English to better communicate, ensuring their children study hard, most to become college educated.
People also migrated from India to Africa to find a better life, till dispersed when African nations became independent, so they migrated to America/Canada/Australia!
And now we see further migrations by Africans to Europe and even on to America, from South - and Mesoamerica to the USA and Canada. From Asia to Europe, Australia and America. Some come to escape persecution, most to better themselves economically.
Some new immigrants now refuse learn the LEGAL language of the country to which they migrated, refuse to adopt the prevailing code of conduct/dress/mores.
So it seems, this staunch adherence to their old lifestyle, may truly be the cause of the adverse reactions by the peoples in those countries, who must have forgotten, they they too, were migrants, ONCE!
And I DO include American Indians who may have migrated from Asia across the Bering Sea land bridge.
It is understandable that everyone wishes to prevent ILLEGAL entrants who may be affiliated with today's criminals/terrorists.
If persons truly wish to come here to WORK, there are options to legally apply for temporary work status.
I should like to quote Abraham Lincoln here, and give the reader food for thought:
"As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.
We must disinthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country"
December 1, 1862 in his second message to Congress!
Now, I do know this has NOTHING to do with either the arts nor hockey, (well... one could say
that hockey players do migrate a lot, too ;-D!)
But following the disastrous oil spill, it is a burning issue for lots of people.

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