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Split personality. Liking the arts, especially opera, and hockey and Los Toros. I know, I know THAT one is non pc currently. But I can't help it saw some in Spain and got hooked, but good. But on the other hand right now opera and hockey are in the forefront!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011


hear not the angels sing.

It's the chest tones one hears - a lot - the last few days.
Cough, cough, cough, hack, hack, wheeze, wheeze - argh.
Basses better watch out.. 
my voice sounds suspiciously like a basso profundo...
ahem, bassa profunda ?

So there it is,
the chest cold with a dry cough that may produce sputum, mild fever - yes, I am HOT (no, not that way) just really HOT, 
fatigue - not so's you notice right now-at least mentally ;-), 
tightness in the chest -  lots of that - and not caused by a tight corset;-)!,
and wheezing - boy, am I wheezing...kept even me up last night.. too noisy by half!

Homemade remedies suggested are:
1. Drink 8 - 12 glasses of water per day. Liquids help thin out mucous in the lungs so it can be coughed out
2. Get some extra rest. Let your energy go to healing.
3. To help relieve aches and pains, there are over the counter medications like aspirin to take.
4. To quiet a dry hacking cough, use  cough suppressant that contains dextrometorphan.
Avoid cough suppressants that contain more than 1 active ingredient.
5. Breathe moist air in hot shower, or a sink filled with hot water.

Or one could do this - sorta:
This is an Indian Onion Dosa Dish (Uthappam)-
maybe a poultice alike :-)
Chop onions finely, place onto cloth, secure edges  and
place the poultice on the patient's chest or soles of the feet. The sole of the foot quickly absorbs herbal treatments, in fact, some people rub ointments like Vick's on the feet when they are sick. (hmmm, gotta try that!)
One can also place the poultice on sore joints and behind the ear for an ear infection.
Check every 15-30 minutes to make sure that there's not any skin irritation'

And for sore throats:
Honey is a natural partner with apple cider vinegar. Adding honey not only helps to dull the unpleasant taste of the vinegar but it helps to coat the throat and keep it moist and pain free.

Cayenne pepper is another ingredient that is known to help kill an infection in the area and get rid of a sore throat. Just how one does apply that? I have yet to find instructions!

Perhaps as in "Hand me my Cayenne Pepper Snuff box"?
Snuff box decorated with ballooning scene, late 18th century.
Add to the onion poultice?
Add to the Apple cider vinegar/honey?
Swallow a raw spoonful?

Now all these remedies are tested and trued, not just old wives tales, or so many herbalist will have it.

I do remember putting on 'vinegar soaked socks', taking aspirin to induce sweating,
and drinking limeblossom infusions with honey while sweating it out under layers of featherbeds
and it worked!

Now I am drinking hot green tea with honey, lots of water (not hot-not icy), take aspirin,
and try to rest the weary bones....

If that does not work I may have to resort to onion poultices - so
If you feel like you're near a hambuger joint whilst in my presence...blame it on those onions!
Onions to the rescue!


Teresa said...

Pei pa koa is pretty decent cough medicine (from herbal as I remembered), great non alcoholic medicine, some western cough medicine are more effective, but this is non drowsy.

You can access info online @

artandhockey said...

@Teresa.. thanks. I shall try it. I do believe in natural medicines as far as possible. Afterall most 'laboratory produced meds' are developed from natural sources.. thinkl quinine, penicillin, belladonna...