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Split personality. Liking the arts, especially opera, and hockey and Los Toros. I know, I know THAT one is non pc currently. But I can't help it saw some in Spain and got hooked, but good. But on the other hand right now opera and hockey are in the forefront!


Sunday, December 12, 2010

The bare facts...nothing but the bare facts

Some time ago I read and perhaps even posted that Daniel Okulitsch, a Canadian Baritone,
caused a sensation as he sang 'en naturel' (in anticipation of the body scanners?-just kidding)
 in LA Opera's THE FLY. To get a brief view  :-),  click on:

Okulitch's schedule for 2011 will include the title role in Mozart's "Don Giovanni" at Opera Theater of St. Louis in June and July.
Here he is with 'La ci darem la mano' from Don Giovanni.
In the scene where the roue Don tries hard to seduce the young peasant girl Zerlina
(did he or did he not succeed?):

 and followed by Abdul in Gian Carlo Menotti's "The Last Savage" with the Santa Fe Opera in July and August.
Menotti (born 1911 in Italy, died 2007 in Monaco) said after a not so well received performance of the opera:
"To say of a piece that it is harsh, dry, acid and unrelenting is to praise it. While to call it sweet and graceful is to damn it. For better or for worse, in The Last Savage I have dared to do away completely with fashionable dissonance, and in a modest way, I have endeavored to rediscover the nobility of gracefulness and the pleasure of sweetness."

Well, I for one, am looking forward to hearing it in Santa Fe this August.
BTW: During 4 weeks in August one can hear all FIVE operas on the schedule, a different one every night!
A veritable opera feast! 
See you in Santa Fe in August?
For more information: http://santafeopera.org/

Since I could not find any excerpts of this rarely given opera,
here is the lullaby from his opera 'The Consul' as a sample of his other compositions:

I hope the lullaby will help you sleep :-)!

Hearing/watching Aeros loose to the Monsters this afternoon was not that nice!
Could it  have been the vaunted LAKE EFFECT?
Or the West to East moving 'Monster' Winterstorm?
That one, that collapsed the inflatable roof of the Minnesota Viking Stadium?
A green Monster of the Lake?
Travis Gawriletz scores game winner ( Photo source AHL)
Despite two goals by Rau=WOW (he sure is coming back strongly - goal and an assist, too in this game,  - after being sidelined for so long!) & McMillan in the First,  alas, they could not keep the momentum going - even after switching goalies!
Just a bad day for the Aeros? OR?
The Monsters lost big to the Marlies just the day before. They had to make up the deficit?
So the Lake Erie Monsters won 5:2.
And the 'oh so beloved' referee Terry K was on duty, calling penalties right and left  -
as usual a real 'stop and skate' (:-) type game -7 per team, spaced evenly through all three periods!
He outdid himself the previous night's game calling even more.
He really must like to take a breather, often! He has been at this for quite a while now, it seems.
Calling penalties stops the game after all!
Read about experience by the Wolfpack - you'll see some familiar skaters' names there, too :-) !
From a blog about a game in 2007 with this referee!

Now you will sleep better, eh!

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