About Me

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Split personality. Liking the arts, especially opera, and hockey and Los Toros. I know, I know THAT one is non pc currently. But I can't help it saw some in Spain and got hooked, but good. But on the other hand right now opera and hockey are in the forefront!


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Sabatical from FB and Computers coming up...

brace yourselves chers readers!

Better Half and I are trying a new/old thing.
We are going back in time BEFORE personal computers and smart phones.
Even social media!

Not sure how we shall manage :-)?
I have been told there still are Cybercafes over the big pond, somewhere -
many have passed on due to I-pads, and the ubiquitous smart phones!
But look at it this way:
no portable electronics of value,  thieves will not be lead into temptation by us :-)!
Now after reading and hearing about another dismal night for the so recently 'lost' team on ice,  we shall not - really - miss Aeros Hockey. 

Kuemps, from a better game!
Hockey of any kind, yes.
Good grief... they lost 5-2 even with Kuemps
(maybe he was a bit rusty from warming benches with the Wild).
McCollum from 29.3 and again last night

So, I read that the morale in the locker room was baaad! 

Because of the wearing of the green=envy that some are called up and others are not.
Guys, you play in the AHL! 
And guys will be called up, and other be sent back, that's life in the AHL. 
You know that, or ought to know that from the start!
While you skate for a team, you ought to give a 100% to the success of that team, unless you are sick.
So, get over it already - and play Hockey! 
Primadonne you are not-not yet anyways!  And maybe never!

Look at AHL players like Di Salvatore, Ortmeyer and - as much as I hate to admit it, my personal Soft Spot, Beaudoin.  These are good players for the team they play for, and are respected for the effort they keep putting out! And fans DO appreciate that!
Sadly, IMO, some never will be Stars at an NHL level!
And on the Opera front:
I shall miss Tristan and Isolde, and Il Trovatore at HGO, and Falstaff at The OH! 
But I shall experience Verdi's Oberto at La Scala, Wagner's The Flying Dutchman at Staatsoper and Ligeti's Le Danse Macabre at Komische Oper-Berlin. 
So that makes up for it, partially anyway!
Our schedule is filling up with meetings, parties, and tours to places never visited before. 
And the array of offerings on the ships seems endless... lectures, musical interludes, plays, shows, dances, and ...shopping at Hermes and others... a bit too rich for our taste - plus the suitcase is crammed already. Stuff for cold, hot and in-between weather, for casual and dressy. No, we are not hauling along long evening gowns and tuxedos... those events will just have to occur without our presence!
Maps, vouchers and other information re apartments, transfers, streetcar tickets, pharmacopeia as well.

you bet we are! 
Including Italian and German Dictionaries for Better Half - 
I will have to resort to the Italian one as well. Because, really, just going to Italian Operas a lot, does not really prepare one! How many operas deal with calling for taxis, interpreting the menu, shopping for items??? Asking directions? 
Mangia and Piangi.. is all very well to know but I don't expect having anyone over for dinner to ask them to Mangia; and I sure don't want to piangi - especially NOT over a missed train connection ;-). It all may become a maledizione! 

Better to think "non fa niente" and enjoy it all-one way or another!
And in this vein I wish all my chers readers, if listed as followers, or just passing by at times,
A Spring full of Blooms (Vitex tree)


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