Just back from a visit to T3I and having to vote for one or another of Fred Trask's superb photos.....it is so difficult. I am no photographer, so I probably vote on emotions.
1. the group hug had me vote it in over the 'fight'-and I was in the minority on that!
2. the smaller group hug in front of so many empty seats, just tugged me in THAT direction, although MB's aggressive skate stance is what I remember most about my fave 'boy on ice' ;-)
3. That one : I liked both, Schaefer catch, but the three in a row in front of the Aeros net-defense in force, there! So I did not vote.
4. Dimples eyes fixated on the incoming tiny puck was simply wayy out there, no doubt of that vs another fight.
And T3I keeps us on the edge.. waiting for more of those pix...so many such memories of a strange year. I remember, at times we were in tears about 'lost on ice boyz', then the next huge win. And, unexpectedly, against all odds the semi-finals...
Weathering draining roadtrips and back to back games with little rest, those BOYZ came back, again and again.
Ah! youthful stamina, giving their all, skating with heart and soul, though pains and sprains. So many times they did it DESPITE and BECAUSE they could...what a bunch of guys, what inspired coaching. 2008/09 will stay with me and Better Half forever. And Fred Trask's Pix just brought all those memories back.
So if you read this, go to"http://thethirdintermission.blogspot.com/
and VOTE for the best of two photos. It's hard!
Meanwhile on a lighter note: maybe they could offer this
no doubt pleasing lots of fans ;-)
or maybe this.. pleasing the other fans ;-)
as Aeros intermission features for the new season! LOLs and LOLs....
That would surprise me...intermissions at AEROS hgames run to kiddies singing and sumoskaters rolling about.
@Anon, Send in a request to the NEW management, maybe that will get the ball rolling ;-)
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