About Me

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Split personality. Liking the arts, especially opera, and hockey and Los Toros. I know, I know THAT one is non pc currently. But I can't help it saw some in Spain and got hooked, but good. But on the other hand right now opera and hockey are in the forefront!


Monday, August 3, 2009

Brief is good, briefer is TWITTER... duh

Storm clouds gathering

Already am worn out, and haven't even finished blocking all those hundreds who 'follow' me on Twitter.... :-)So I spent hours on Twitter, reading those tweets by all those unknown twits (ahem twitterers) about who I could not give a hoot not to mention two .. yes this IS a sarcastic pun. What do I care that some twitterer tweets about having a beer... I'd rather find out where he/she has it, with whom, why and what they are discussing? But no, all the tweet says" Having a beer here" DUH.. how informative.And since telegrams are surely outmoded, tweeting doesn't even qualify for training in "telegramese".
So we have had letters, cablegrams, telephone, fax, email, satellite communications... except ..what IS being communicated? Not much, really. How could it, using only 140 characters or less. In depth coverage of project, whole explanations, guess again.. NOT.
YOU want to tell me something, write, email, phone. You want to bare your soul, cry on sympathetic shoulder, come over, sit next to me or across the table and tell me, I'll hug you, pat you, encourage you, cheer you up and, maybe, out of your (temporary-I hope) funk. But it cannot be done in tweets. Besides, do YOU really want the world to know what bothers you, what hurt you, what elates you-well maybe what elates you. How can a sentence or two really express what you love or hate. How to get across that you are making a joke? The eyes, the mouth, facial expressions (except perhaps by those with too many facelifts :-) ..), body language all insure that the IDEA, the sarcasm, the irony.. gets across.
So can a Tweet do that, hard enough to do it with more words, music and pictures?
Maybe this says even better:

So I read in the WSJ this morning, how apropos, that companies are hiring "twitter administrators" (;-) to do what...influence customers. Which sounds suspiciously like the previously so hated 'brainwashing' of the GOOD old days of cold war. Am not sure I like these word bites, which really tell so little UNLESS they lead to full essays or articles in which all details are revealed and discussed. So keep on blogging, keep reading blogs by people you like and admire... and keep the 'bleeps' out of your comments.
And be sure you use plenty of 'smileys, winkies, and weepies, and whatever other emoticons you can find, to make sure your readers GET IT. :0 :-) ;-) :(

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