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Split personality. Liking the arts, especially opera, and hockey and Los Toros. I know, I know THAT one is non pc currently. But I can't help it saw some in Spain and got hooked, but good. But on the other hand right now opera and hockey are in the forefront!


Friday, February 25, 2011

What to do when..

CAPS, CAPS too many Caps ;-)!

 and more CAPS :-)!
the NHL has too many over paid players on their expense sheets? Ship them to the minors or overseas!
At least that's what today's article in the WSJ says.
So you have this situation:
having signed players to inflated long term millions of Dollars contracts, the teams find themselves in a bind re the salary cap!
They can't 'resell' those players, but they can't have them on their books precisely because they make too much.
According to WSJ article these players get shipped to the AHL!
BECAUSE if they are not physically on the bench their salaries do NOT count toward the cap!
So I ask the experts at T3I and elsewhere, does that make any sense?
The teams still have to pay those salaries - Minors or not!
And so we have players that make the AHL minimum salary in just ONE period of play!!!
Now that makes me wonder .. do we have such on the Aeros roster?
O'Sullivan, Sheppard if sent down, maybe?
Someone, please, explain all that believably to me!

What an inane regulation.
Caps only apply for on-the-bench players, but do not apply while in the AHL or lesser leagues, or foreign leagues.
The WSJ article almost sound like we really ? need to feel sorry for these guys...
poor things have to play in the minors and live out of hotel rooms while making  7 figure salaries!

For details go to:

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